*divided they fall*


Adhesive tape
Red marker pen
A3 Paper
Utility knife
210 gr. minced meat

1. From the first person who you think is working against your interests in the office, borrow a stapler.

2. From the second person who you think is working against your interests in the office, borrow an adhesive tape.

3. Buy 210 grams of minced meat from a butcher.

4. Arrive at the office at 7am to prepare.

5. Visualising your intent of a problem-free environment, tidy your desk starting from where it corresponds to South.

6. Work counter-clockwise.

7. With the red marker pen, draw a circle on your abdomen with 2 arrows in opposing directions.

8. Place a sheet of A3 paper on your desk, place the staple and the adhesive tape side by side on it. Place the minced meat on the upper side of the paper.

9. Trace both objects with the red marker pen.

10. With the utility knife, separate the minced meat in half. Continue with cutting the A3 paper in two from the middle, chanting:
Clowns to the left of me and jokers to the right

12. Using the stapler, make a cone with the corresponding half of the paper. Make sure tracing is facing inside of the cone.

13. Using the adhesive tape, make a cone with the corresponding half of the paper. Make sure tracing is facing inside of the cone.

14. Carefully insert the minced meat halves into the corresponding cones.

15. Feed half of the minced meat to a stray cat before noon. Use the cone with the staple tracing inside.

16. Feed the other half of the minced meat to a stray dog after noon. Use the cone with the adhesive tape tracing inside.

17. Return the staple and the tape to their owners on the same day.